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small orthopaedie fribourg dr henning patient

Traumatology is the doctrine behind care for the musculoskeletal system after an accident. The treatment for bone, tendons, ligaments, muscle and articulations can be operative and non-operative.

small orthopaedie fribourg rugby

The task of the trauma specialist is to re-establish the function of the musculoskeletal system as good as possible. He therefore uses plates, screws and nails made of steel or titanium for bone fractures and also special sutures for ligament, tendon and meniscal tears. Special plaster casts, splints, shoes and crutches are also used. 

After a traumatic lesion to bone, muscle or articulation – from competent analysis, treatment and finally reintegration to work and sports - we are there for you.



More than 300 operations per year –still very often we apply a non-operative treatment when dealing with disorders of the musculoskeletal system in order to guarantee a fast recovery.

To: Orthopaedics

Sports Medicine


Whether you are a solitary athlet or team a athlet and no matter which level – we care about your specific, individual and multidisciplinary therapy.

To : Sports Medicine



From correct analysis to adequate treatment and finally reintegration to work and sports after a trauma to the musculoskeletal system – we are there for you.

To: Traumatology

Mountain Medicine

Mountain medicine orthopaedics fribourg

Prevention of trauma and treatment of aspects specific to health and performance in regard to the musculoskeletal system in mountain sports - no matter your age, sport or level of performance.

To: Mountain Medicine



Advanced training diploma in orthopedic surgery and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system.

Starting from 01.08.2019 Mrs Becker, technicien in radiology replaces Mrs Gex who retires after having been working for the practice since 2009. We would like to thank her for the very valuable work all the years and whish all the best for her retirement.

From 25.03.2020, we collaborate with the hospital One Day Surgery (1DS) in Fribourg for the ambulatory chirugical treatment of patients.

Dès 03.2020
Due to the situation caused by the pandemic of Coronavirus (Covid-19), the treatments have been reduced following the directives of OFSP. For more information, please call us.

Guaranteed reimbursement:
Certification of guaranteed reimbursement with supplementary insurance